Diocese of Dedza

Bishop Peter Adrian Chifukwa has made the following appointments;

  1. Rev. Fr. Paul Kalemba is appointed Parish Priest of Holy Family Parish, Bembeke and Diocesan Pastoral Secretary;
  2. Rev. Fr. Humphrey Chafukira is appointed Bishop’s Secretary and continues to be the Diocesan Youth Chaplain;
  3. Rev. Fr. Innocent Mlongoti is appointed Parish Priest of Martyrs of Uganda Parish, Kasina and continues to be Vocations Promotions Director;
  4. Rev. Fr. Mathews Tolokosi is appointed Parish Priest of Our Lady of Fatima Parish-Chipoka;
  5. Rev. Fr. Athanasius Manyenga is appointed Diocesan Human Resource Officer and continues to be Parish Priest of St. Peter Claver Parish, Nsipe.
  6. Rev. Fr. Paul Abraham is appointed Administrator of Chimphalika sub-Parish with residence at Holy Angels Parish Presbytery, Matumba;
  7. Rev. Fr. Lazarus Magonde is appointed assistant Parish Priest of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Mtakataka;
  8. Rev. Fr. Gerald Malota is appointed assistant Parish Priest of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish, Tsangano;
  9. Rev. Fr. Yohane Botomani is appointed assistant Parish Priest of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish, Sharpevale;
  10. Rev. Fr. Maximian Khisi, Donum Fidei is appointed Formator and Teacher at St Kizito Minor Seminary;

Study leave

  1. Rev. Fr. Silvester Mtasa, Licentiate in Safeguarding at Institute of Anthropology-Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome;
  2. Rev. Fr. Joseph Billiat, Licentiate in Dogmatic and Pastoral Theology at Pontifical Faculty of Theology of Southern Italy;
  3. Rev. Fr. Godino Phokoso, Communications, Day Star University, Nairobi, Kenya.

The appointments are with immediate effect